Goodman Mfg - Multi-Position, Two-Stage/Variable-Speed Gas Furnace

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Goodman Air Conditioning amp Heating Product Specifications LGas Saver Applies to 95 furnaces only GMV95 up to 95 AFUE GMV95 GCV9 Multi Position Two Stage Variable Speed Gas Furnace The Goodman brand GMV95 GCV9 Two Stage Variable Speed Gas Furnaces feature a patented aluminized steel tubular heat exchanger and durable Silicon Nitride Hot Surface Ignition system Standard Features Patented TuffTube dual diameter tubular heat exchanger with Lifetime Limited Warranty for as long as the original registered homeowner owns their home plus 10 Year Limited Unit Replacement Warranty Two stage gas valve operates with two stage or single stage thermostats Efficient and quiet variable speed circulator motor gently ramps up or down a ...